Basic command cheat sheet of cumulus ci

Oct 05, 2023



CumulusCI (Cumulus Continuous Integration) is an open-source framework developed by (formerly the Salesforce Foundation) to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying Salesforce applications and metadata. It is specifically designed to help nonprofit and educational organizations that use Salesforce, but it can be used by anyone who develops on the Salesforce platform.


  1. Login to dev hub org(In which you enabled dev hub):

    cmd \>sfdx auth:web:login -a CCIDevHub

  2. Verify the devhub org:

    cmd \>sfdx force:org:open -u CCIDevHub

  3. Connect cumulus ci with github:

    cmd \>cci service connect github

  4. Initialize project:

    cmd \>cci project init

  5. Connect project with devhub org:

    cmd \>cci service connect devhub --project

  6. Create a brand new scratch org:

    cmd \>cci flow run dev_org --org dev

    cci flow run - some series of task.

    dev_org - This flow create and config scratch org.

    --org dev - Tells CumulusCI in which scratch org to run the flow

  7. Open dev org:

    cmd \>cci org browser dev

  8. Show a list of all the changes detected in your dev scratch org and retrieve:

    cmd \>cci task run list_changes --org dev -o exclude "Profile:"

    cmd \>cci task run retrieve_changes --org dev -o exclude "Profile:"

  9. Creating a mapping file:

    cmd \>cci task run generate_dataset_mapping --org dev

  10. Capture the data changes you made.

    cmd \>cci task run extract_dataset --org dev

  11. Make sure list including:

    cmd \>cci flow info config_qa

    cmd \>cci flow info config_dev

  12. Check the qa org flow:

    cmd \>cci flow info qa_org

    cmd \>cci flow info dev_org

  13. Test your data in QA scratch org:

    cmd \>cci flow run qa_org --org qa

  14. Open qa org:

    cmd \> cci org browser qa

  15. Delete dev org: 

    cmd \>cci org scratch_delete dev

  16. Delete qa org:

    cmd \>cci org scratch_delete qa

  17. Connect to packaging org:

    cmd \>cci org connect packaging

  18. To confirm the org is connected:

    cmd \> cci org list

  19. Open packaging org:

    cmd \> cci org browser packaging

  20. Release managing package org and upload first beta version:

    cmd \>cci flow run ci_master --org packaging

    cmd \>cci flow run release_beta --org packaging

    ci_master - use to flow to deploy the package into the packaging org

    --org packaging -It is piece of the command tells CumulusCI which org to run the flow in

  21. Test the beta version (To testing we need fresh scratch org):

    cmd \> cci flow run ci_beta --org beta

  22. Delete the beta org:

    cmd \> cci org scratch_delete beta

  23. Upload the final release:

    cmd \> cci flow run release_production --org packaging

  24. Connect cumulus ci with sandbox org:

    cmd \> cci org connect sandbox --sandbox

  25. Install the final release package into sandbox org:

    cmd \>cci flow run install_prod --org sandbox

  26. Open the sandbox org to confirm that package is installed into sandbox org:

    cmd \>cci org browser sandbox

  27. Connect with devhub org:

    cmd \>cci service connect devhub --project

  28. Connect cumulus ci with prodcution org:

    cmd \> cci org connect pro

  29. Deploye in production org:

    cmd \>cci flow run dev_org --org production



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